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API 文档类型

这是一个专为转换工具而设计的 API 文档类型 它有这些关键特性:

  1. 独立的包,方便你基于它编写转换工具
  2. 类型定义偏向 Typescript
  3. 支持不可序列化的类型, 比如 File, Date


文档转成 UI

// type2cell.tsx
import type { DocNode } from "@tealina/doc-types";
import { DocKind } from "@tealina/doc-types";

export function type2cell(d: DocNode): ReactElement {
  // 每个节点都有属性 DocNode,方便使用switch case
  switch (d.kind) {
    case DocKind.Primitive:
      return <ColorText type={d.type}>{d.type}</ColorText>;

    case DocKind.Union:
      // 递归调用
      return <>{injectDivider( => type2cell(t, doc)))}</>;

    case DocKind.StringLiteral:
      return <ColorText type="string">"{d.value}"</ColorText>;
    // ...
// type2cell.tsx
import type { DocNode } from "@tealina/doc-types";
import { DocKind } from "@tealina/doc-types";

export function type2cell(d: DocNode): ReactElement {
  // 每个节点都有属性 DocNode,方便使用switch case
  switch (d.kind) {
    case DocKind.Primitive:
      return <ColorText type={d.type}>{d.type}</ColorText>;

    case DocKind.Union:
      // 递归调用
      return <>{injectDivider( => type2cell(t, doc)))}</>;

    case DocKind.StringLiteral:
      return <ColorText type="string">"{d.value}"</ColorText>;
    // ...



并没有直接的支持, 你可以通过其他方式:,

  1. 在注释中提及, (统一在拦截器中处理错误)
 * @return
 *  -500 descript about it
type ApiType = ApiHandler<Payload, Resonse>;
 * @return
 *  -500 descript about it
type ApiType = ApiHandler<Payload, Resonse>;
  1. 状态码写进返回值内部
type BaseResponse<T> = {
  code: number;
  data: T;
interface NamedResponse
  extends BaseResponse<{ code: 200; data: { status: "ok" } }> {}
type ApiType = ApiHandler<Payload, NamedResponse>;
type BaseResponse<T> = {
  code: number;
  data: T;
interface NamedResponse
  extends BaseResponse<{ code: 200; data: { status: "ok" } }> {}
type ApiType = ApiHandler<Payload, NamedResponse>;


使用 interface 而不是 type, 名字会被保留

type UserType = TypeFromCalculationUnitily<{ name: string }>;

interface User extends UserType {}

type ApiType = ApiHandler<Payload, User>;
type UserType = TypeFromCalculationUnitily<{ name: string }>;

interface User extends UserType {}

type ApiType = ApiHandler<Payload, User>;

推荐只在 API 文件中使用 interface

More detail

export const DocKind = {
  // more close to typescript
  /** eg: string,number */
  Primitive: 0,
  /** types that has method, eg: Date, File, Blob  */
  NonLiteralObject: 1,
  Tuple: 2,
  Union: 3,
  EntityRef: 4,
  Never: 5,
  Record: 6,
  StringLiteral: 7,
  NumberLiteral: 8,
  EnumRef: 9,
  EnumMemberRef: 10,
  Array: 11,
  RecursionTuple: 12,
  RecursionEntity: 13,
} as const;

export interface Kind {
  isOptional?: true;
  comment?: string;
  jsDoc?: Partial<Record<string, string>>;

export interface PrimitiveType extends Kind {
  kind: DocKind["Primitive"]; // every DocNode has a kind prop
  type: string;

// ...

export type DocNode =
  | PrimitiveType
  | ObjectType
  | TupleType
  | UnionType
  | RefType
  | EnumRefType
  | EnumMemberRefType
  | RecordType
  | NumberLiteral
  | StringLiteral
  | NeverType
  | ArrayType
  | RecursionTuple
  | RecursionEntity;

export interface DocItem {
  body?: DocNode;
  response?: DocNode;
  query?: DocNode;
  params?: DocNode;
  headers?: DocNode;
  comment?: string;

type HttpMethod = string;
type Endpoint = string;
type Id = number;

export interface ApiDoc {
  apis: Record<HttpMethod, Record<Endpoint, DocItem>>;
  entityRefs: Record<Id, Entity>;
  enumRefs: Record<Id, EnumEntity>;
  tupleRefs: Record<Id, TupleEntity>;
   * 文档版本,遵循标准语义化版本规则,
   * 格式: [major].[minor]
   *  */
  docTypeVersion: number;
export const DocKind = {
  // more close to typescript
  /** eg: string,number */
  Primitive: 0,
  /** types that has method, eg: Date, File, Blob  */
  NonLiteralObject: 1,
  Tuple: 2,
  Union: 3,
  EntityRef: 4,
  Never: 5,
  Record: 6,
  StringLiteral: 7,
  NumberLiteral: 8,
  EnumRef: 9,
  EnumMemberRef: 10,
  Array: 11,
  RecursionTuple: 12,
  RecursionEntity: 13,
} as const;

export interface Kind {
  isOptional?: true;
  comment?: string;
  jsDoc?: Partial<Record<string, string>>;

export interface PrimitiveType extends Kind {
  kind: DocKind["Primitive"]; // every DocNode has a kind prop
  type: string;

// ...

export type DocNode =
  | PrimitiveType
  | ObjectType
  | TupleType
  | UnionType
  | RefType
  | EnumRefType
  | EnumMemberRefType
  | RecordType
  | NumberLiteral
  | StringLiteral
  | NeverType
  | ArrayType
  | RecursionTuple
  | RecursionEntity;

export interface DocItem {
  body?: DocNode;
  response?: DocNode;
  query?: DocNode;
  params?: DocNode;
  headers?: DocNode;
  comment?: string;

type HttpMethod = string;
type Endpoint = string;
type Id = number;

export interface ApiDoc {
  apis: Record<HttpMethod, Record<Endpoint, DocItem>>;
  entityRefs: Record<Id, Entity>;
  enumRefs: Record<Id, EnumEntity>;
  tupleRefs: Record<Id, TupleEntity>;
   * 文档版本,遵循标准语义化版本规则,
   * 格式: [major].[minor]
   *  */
  docTypeVersion: number;